Sofii™ is built of two components: Sofii Low Code and mySofii. Beside of bringing a web-based graphical interface for building the target application, Sofii Low Code mainly generates a configuration stored in a database, instead of generating code. The configuration is then executed by mySofii on runtime.

Sofii™ on Cloud

Sofii Low Code and mySofii are available on the Amazon Web Services Marketplace

Sofii™ on Premise

Large organizations can bring Sofii Low Code and mySofii on premise in a private datacenter

Sofii™ Hybrid

Sofii Low Code can run on AWS cloud while mySofii is deployed on premise, or vice-versa

Sofii Workflow


1. Application Development

Service Providers use Sofii Low Code to design data-rich web-based applications for their customers. Since this activity consists of changing configurations instead of programming code, service providers can focus on providing support services to their customers. With Sofiiâ„¢ service providers can transform themselves from a software development company into a consulting one.

2. Application Deployment

Configuration changes are deployed to mySofii remotely via secured web channels. Business data is separated from the configuration and remain private to the end-user.

3. Application Execution

Service providers can engage in more creative business models with their customers by offering business solutions (ERP, procurement, reporting, CRM) running on the same infrastructure, just by switching mySofii configuration on runtime.